Meet Au Chat Kwan
Managing people is never an easy task. Power dynamics, accusations of nepotism and the like are never-ending. Yet as the HR manager, Au Chat Kwan faces these challenges head-on in order to create a positive and conducive environment for his fellow colleagues.

HR Manager
A Keen Eye
One of his least favorite aspects of the job is talent acquisition. Truly none can be prepared for what abomination might walk through that door. From spaghetti-strapped girls to guys in tank tops, it would seem that the dress code is a lost decorum amongst the new generation of hirees.
Yet Au Chat Kwan keeps an open mind. In the grand scheme of things, minor dress code violations pale in comparison to how well an individual will integrate into the workplace. While technical skills are obviously sought after, Au Chat Kwan instead focuses on the applicant’s personality. A crusty rock could still be polished to become a vibrant diamond but a rotten apple is just unsalvageable.
Years of experience have taught Au Chat Kwan how to separate the wheat from the chaff. With a bunch of questions stocked up, he quizzes applicants on real-life scenarios to gauge what they value as a person. These questions are ever-changing so he provides a fair opportunity for each interviewee to showcase their worth.

What Drives Him?

For Au Chat Kwan, empathy is something of a requirement for the job. In order to properly understand the situation of his fellow man, he would remember important events that occurred in a colleague's life. Simple gestures such as wishing happy birthday or consoling grieving coworkers are just some of the acts that he would go out of his way to do.
After years of building a rapport with fellow workers, many of them feel comfortable in shedding their burdens as they know Au Chat Kwan only has the best of intentions.
Fostering Growth and Integration

The job of an HR manager does not end with the act of choosing employees. Cultivating and enriching employee life is also an integral part of the job scope.
To prevent the stagnation of the company, Au Chat Kwan keeps close tabs on career progression and provides opportunities for growth. This can come as recommendations to higher management or even training programs to upgrade their skill set.
At the end of the day, Au Chat Kwan is able to effectively perform his duties due to his affinity with people and having a compassionate heart.